Welcome to the Air Fryer cookbook for guys! If you are like me (A guy with an Air Fryer), you are likely wondering what you got yourself into.
This website is geared towards anyone. Even people who barely know where the kitchen is in their house, never mind how to make something in it. I assume everyone reading this knows as much as me – which is basically nothing. That’s right – Gordon Ramsay did NOT help me in anyway when I put this site together. (Apparently he had a scheduling conflict of some sort – not sure what all that was about).
Why is this site awesome? Well if you are like me - you HATE (HATE HATE HATE) all the recipe sites plagued with ads and crap that makes it almost impossible to find what you really want - A simple recipe to cook in your Instant Pot. Does this site contain ads - yup! But they are minor and always on the right hand side to they are not distracting to what you are looking for.
What makes this site different from all the rest
* Limited ads and needless crap on the pages
* Each recipe comes with a suggested drink accompaniment (Who doesn't appreciate a good drink recommendation)
* Each and every recipe has been tried and tested by me! And I approve its awesomeness! (You're welcome)
* Laced with humorous and comedic statements that make cooking even more enjoyable.
* Simple and easy Navigation. Welcome screen (You are on it), Recipes, and Subscription.
* No invisible links to third party websites that track your info, and possibly infect your system with viruses or malware.